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Lotus is growing the tech talent pool by enabling Arab and Druze women gain the skills, knowledge, and connections they need to thrive in today's digital economy


The business benefits for the firms which hire Lotus’ developers are tremendous:

Top talent employees for lower employers costs.


Lotus offers employers a far more attractive, convenient and localized solution, compared to offshore equivalents.

The On-shore solutions enable the Israel based managers to communicate with the women daily, in the same time zone, and with the ability to meet in person (at the Lotus Hub).

Lotus' ambitious goal will be accomplished only if the traditional restrictions are kept: working in a woman-only "safe zone" in Daliet El Carmel.
Lotus center will be more than a safe zone for these women, it will give life to the first Hi-tech ecosystem in a Druze peripheral village:   

It will enable Israeli hi-tech companies to build a branch/ affiliate within the Lotus center, hiring women as full-time employees. 

It will provide quality space for experienced women to build their own Start-ups and hire their own employees, over time.

It will create an ecosystem for entrepreneurship and technology.

The Portland Trust

The Portland Trust

Bank Hapoalim

Bank Hapoalim

The Religious Council

The Religious Council

UJA Federation New York

UJA Federation New York


בניין פלטינום,

קומה 1 

כביש ראשי 

דאלית אל כרמל


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